1 00:00:00,116 --> 00:00:03,416 Equal-Life: creating a healthier future for all children. 2 00:00:04,516 --> 00:00:09,316 Before and after you are born, you feel, hear, eat, drink, see and breathe 3 00:00:09,316 --> 00:00:11,450 many things in your environment. 4 00:00:11,450 --> 00:00:16,316 Inside the belly of your mother, the place where you are born, and the home where you grow up. 5 00:00:16,616 --> 00:00:18,650 But it does not stop there. 6 00:00:18,650 --> 00:00:20,516 Think about where you live, 7 00:00:20,516 --> 00:00:22,400 is there a lot of green space? 8 00:00:22,400 --> 00:00:25,433 Are there many buildings around you, or many cars passing by? 9 00:00:26,116 --> 00:00:27,833 And how is your social life? 10 00:00:27,833 --> 00:00:31,583 Is your family big or small? Do you feel cared for? 11 00:00:32,100 --> 00:00:33,750 Do you feel safe? 12 00:00:33,750 --> 00:00:37,200 Do you play with friends outside, or do you spend most of your time online? 13 00:00:38,000 --> 00:00:43,100 Our environment contains things that interact with us and each other all the time. 14 00:00:43,133 --> 00:00:45,416 Altogether, we call these things 'the Exposome'. 15 00:00:46,366 --> 00:00:48,800 Remember the Green Park you like to play in? 16 00:00:48,800 --> 00:00:52,916 This is part of your physical exposome. And your friends in school? 17 00:00:53,300 --> 00:00:55,516 They are part of your social exposome. 18 00:00:56,366 --> 00:00:57,533 And you know what? 19 00:00:57,533 --> 00:01:00,916 Our body and its functions can have an impact on your life too. 20 00:01:01,350 --> 00:01:03,566 We call that the internal exposome. 21 00:01:04,516 --> 00:01:07,516 The whole exposome influences our development and health, 22 00:01:07,800 --> 00:01:10,916 both positively and negatively. 23 00:01:10,916 --> 00:01:15,083 This is what the project 'Equal-Life' is interested in: how the exposome 24 00:01:15,166 --> 00:01:19,200 affects the mental health and cognitive development of young people like you. 25 00:01:20,183 --> 00:01:24,233 It is important to study this, because mental health challenges and difficulties 26 00:01:24,233 --> 00:01:28,250 in learning can have lifelong effects on young people's quality of life. 27 00:01:28,616 --> 00:01:32,300 Also, the differences in health between people in Europe are growing. 28 00:01:32,750 --> 00:01:38,600 This causes unfair differences in health and opportunities in the future for young people. 29 00:01:38,600 --> 00:01:42,166 Equal life tries to understand how we can use knowledge about the exposome 30 00:01:42,416 --> 00:01:44,700 to make environments safer and healthier for them, 31 00:01:45,166 --> 00:01:49,100 instead of environments being a danger to young people's development and growth. 32 00:01:50,366 --> 00:01:53,450 When we understand this relationship between the exposition 33 00:01:53,633 --> 00:01:55,766 and mental health and cognitive development, 34 00:01:56,100 --> 00:02:00,016 we can think of different ways to improve the environments of all children. 35 00:02:01,466 --> 00:02:03,866 What do we need in order to do this? 36 00:02:03,866 --> 00:02:07,200 We need information from children and young people in Europe 37 00:02:07,466 --> 00:02:11,250 about how they live, sleep, feel, eat, play and learn. 38 00:02:11,900 --> 00:02:18,300 We also need researchers, cities, schools and health organizations to work together. 39 00:02:18,300 --> 00:02:20,366 Equal-Life already has information 40 00:02:20,366 --> 00:02:24,466 for almost 250,000 young people from seven countries. 41 00:02:25,250 --> 00:02:28,616 We will also collect new data in different countries and age groups. 42 00:02:29,633 --> 00:02:32,750 Thanks to projects like Equal-Life, we will know better 43 00:02:32,750 --> 00:02:37,333 how to make living environments places where all children and adolescents 44 00:02:37,583 --> 00:02:40,900 will have equal opportunities and safeguard their future health. 45 00:02:42,166 --> 00:02:45,650 We aim to create a healthy environment for young people. 46 00:02:46,550 --> 00:02:58,033 Learn more about the project at: equal-life.eu or email us directly at: info@equal-life.eu.