The main objective of WP10 is to facilitate swift and effective progress of the work including data management and dissemination of results.

The project coordinator will be mainly responsible for the project management. This includes monitoring the project, preparing reports to monitor progress of the work, organising meetings for the management committee and the Consortium as a whole. The Coordinator will support and give guidance to work package leaders and individual partners whenever feasible.

The quality checks and progress checks will be a shared task between the Coordinator and the advisory board. The Coordinator is responsible for the financial management of the project. Therefore, the Coordinator administers the financial contribution regarding its allocation between beneficiaries and activities, in accordance with the grant agreement and the decisions taken by the consortium. The Coordinator ensures that all the appropriate payments are made to the other beneficiaries without unjustified delay. Finally, the Coordinator monitors the finances of the project by means of financial partner reports on a regular base. Hosting a communication platform, a website and development of a data management plan and a Protection of Personal data plan also belong to the responsibilities of this WP.

18 month update

WP10 facilitates swift and effective progress of the work including data management and dissemination of results. During the first 18 months, activities were aimed at setting up a structure and methods for the coordination of the project.

The quality of the work is monitored in close collaboration with the advisory board and external ethics board members, principal investigators (PIs) and the European Commission Project Officer. Templates for minutes, deliverables, milestones, presentations and periodic reporting were prepared. The project management office evaluates the work progress by attending work package meetings and monitoring milestones and deliverables.

A Data Management Plan for the Equal-Life project was prepared in close collaboration with IT and data experts. The plan supports the management life cycle for all data that will be collected, processed or generated by the project, and takes into account the European GDPR legislation and FAIR Data principles.

The project management office drafted a dissemination and exploitation plan. The Equal-Life website, the EHEN website, briefings, conferences and workshops, networking and outreach activities, press releases,, @EquallifeEU twitter, and the Equal-Life LinkedIn group are used to communicate about the project. A publication policy was developed to allow space for interdisciplinary publications, and specialised and technical publications.

Workshops were organized to create common understanding and language among the partners within the interdisciplinary Equal-Life project, and to define some of the key concepts concerning exposure, outcomes and mechanisms. Taskforces were installed to harbor the process of determining the key research questions, preparing definition reports, and making the external exposome operational. Team building activities were held to secure communication, motivation and sense of connection between the varied and international Equal-Life team.