The main objective of WP9 to develop the Equal-Life Toolkit, a “living” software and documental toolkit including innovative approaches, technologies and methods to exploit exposome implementations during the project and to enable generalization and repeatability of the approach in future implementations.

Icon WP9 (linkblok)

The toolkit developed in WP9 will comprise a Web-based data and knowledge exploration application, as well as a guidance documents suitable to be broadly used and adaptable for new data and methods, and for disseminations of results. The devised toolkit provides the instrument for a comprehensive understanding of the project results and for supporting future repeatability of the experience, especially for devising possible further health interventions beyond the current project.

The results of the non-targeted and targeted analyses in WP1 and WP7 will constitute the input of the Equal -Life toolkit. The methods as developed in WP6 and the indicators formulated in WP1 and WP4 will provide the methodological and validation guidelines that will be implemented in the software tools and described in the documentation. Therefore, the devised toolkit provides the instrument for a comprehensive understanding of the project results and for supporting future repeatability of the experience, especially for devising possible further health interventions beyond the current project.

WP9 has a strong link with the objectives, tasks and deliverables of The Human Exposome Network as described in WP11.

18 month update

WP9 aims to provide the tools for the management, organization and accessibility of project data to primarily facilitate the implementation of the tools at the local level. WP9 officially started in June 2021. 

One of the tasks of WP9 is to follow the design and development of the analysis tools in the various phases of the project, with the aim of making them accessible to third-party users. To date, WP9 has begun to draw up a list of tools already developed and those under development. 

WP9 also took part of the designing process of the demonstrator within WP8.

The envisioned data toolkit will include data visualization and will offer an extensive knowledge base. This data toolkit will be incorporated in the Equal-Life handbook, designed to inform policy makers and other (local) stakeholders on practical instructions and know-how around the policy recommendations from Equal-Life. 

WP9 will increase their activity within the European Human Exposome Network (EHEN, see WP11 and the EHEN website), to encourage the development of integrated toolkits with other projects within the network.